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Grmawit 💜 Klarna

Did you know that we also accept payments with Klarna?

Click on "Check Out" here below, fill in your details and in the last step you can choose Klarna as payment option.


ምስ ክላርናውን ክፍሊት ከም እንቕበል ትፈልጡ ዶ?

ኣብዚ ኣብ ታሕቲ "Check Out" ዝብል ጠውቑ፡ Contact Information ምልኡ ኣብ መወዳእታ ድማ Klarna ከም ናይ ክፍሊት ኣማራጺ ክትመርጹ ትኽእሉ ኢኹም።